'The best noodles in China! We include the top 5 Chinese noodle dishes in this travel food guide. 中国的面食文化博大精深,种类繁多,十分美味。今天,给大家介绍最受欢迎的5碗面,下次来中国旅行,不要错过了。 喜欢我们的视频,点个赞,评个论,关注我们。多谢大家。 Please LIKE or leave COMMENT below if you enjoyed our video. Also, don\'t forget to SUBSCRIBE so that you don\'t miss a video! :) SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/hus-lost W A T C H More Food Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrKzTY_8ABNBs7JmLBfoKRnJfbn845B_X China Travel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrKzTY_8ABNANcpw60mSjlol11GBhTtwB C O N N E C T ► SAM\'S INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/samar.hu ► DAN\'S INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/danny.hu1 ► FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/samdanhu Hi, we are Sam and Dan, an interracial couple from Vancouver, Canada! We post new videos three times a week on everything from our daily lives including married life, pregnancy, cultural differences, travel and food adventures. Subscribe now to keep up with us! :) For business inquiries: [email protected] #chinesenoodles #bestnoodles #bestchinesestreetfood We own all the content of our videos. Please do not copy without our express permission.'
Tags: interracial couple , noodle soup , food travel , chinese noodles , Chinese Food Tour , food in China , china street food , hand pulled noodles , best noodles , dan dan noodles , 担担面 , chengdu noodles , chinese ramen , food travel china , best noodles ever , best noodles in china , noodle food tour , top 5 noodles , top 5 best noodles , chinese food guide , liang pi noodles , shanghai fried noodles , crossing the bridge noodles , 担担面 王刚 , 上海炒面做法 , 凉皮制作 , 过桥米线汤底 , 炒面技巧 , 蚂蚁上树 , dan dan noodles food ranger
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